Tuesday 20 May 2014

Edible Cookie Dough Complete

So i finally made the raw cookie dough that can not make you sick no matter what. It turned out pretty well! I had a few issues but other than that it tastes pretty good! Watch the video for very in depth instructions! The ingredients for this recipe are:

2 cups sifted flour
1 cup firmly packed down brown sugar
1/2 regular white sugar
3/4 cup of melted butter
1 tablespoon of vanilla extract
4 tablespoons of milk
1 and 1/2 cups of sprinkles, chocolate chips or anything else you want!
Shape and wrap in saran wrap and leave in the fridge for up to 2 hours to let it harden. Then cut pieces and enjoy!

Here is pictures of the process! I would not recommend using a dough hook like the video said! The dough hook doesn't get deep enough into the right places and leaves dry flour at the bottom. I also found my mixture was too dry. Instead of adding more butter I added more milk. In the end it tasted great. I added chocolate chips to my mixture instead of sprinkles. The longer you leave it in the fridge the more firm it gets. If its too soft it just doesn't work! You can make it into any shape. I personally didn't care and made a log. =>