Tuesday 10 June 2014


This project was actually a lot harder than I thought it would be in the beginning. I thought my progress and cooking would excel quickly and I wouldn't have that much work to do. This project turned out to be a lot of work. Blogging and having time to look up recipes and complete them was difficult enough without other stuff getting in the way. Lots of the stuff I wanted to cook or bake were unhealthy and my mom didn't want me making them all. It was also hard when it came to school. By the time I got home from school my mom would've already prepared a meal. Throughout this experience it really showed me the amount of hard work needed to keep a family fed.
I feel like this project didn't do much for my religion. It defiantly made me thankful for my mother because she cooks and bakes so much for me. If I had to apply this project to the Through-Lines connections I would say this experience was beauty-creating and creation-enjoying. It was beauty-creating because what's not beautiful about food? I created these meals and recipes by my hands and I thank God for the ability to do this. I also enjoy them. None of the food wasn't enjoyed. My family no matter what it was loved what I made. I really enjoyed doing this project and getting to eat all the food!

And last but not least......